As some may know I have had a saltwater fish tank up and running for about 2 months now. Today I got my first actual fish for it and drew it. It's a Fire Goby (Nemateleotris magnifica).Here is some other info on the tank if you would like to see.
I think Lauriel got jealous that I drew my Mom so she asked me to draw a picture of her. This is what came out. I'll draw her with one line sometime so she can see how that feels also.
This is a little part of Lee Morgan's solo on Moanin. I just learned that Lee Morgan's wife shot him in the face while he was on stage. I guess thats what you get when you cheat on your wife. The others on this album are Benny Golson (ts), Bobby Timmons (p), Jaymie Merritt (b), and Art Blakey (d). For more info on Lee Morgan go here.
So my plan is to do a drawing every day. I also plan to transcribe a short musical statement once a week. I hope you enjoy this with me. Please note that I am a trumpet player so all transcriptions will need to be transposed down a whole step to get to concert pitch. I would do it but I'm lazy and this is easier for me.
Why Am I doing This?
I used to draw a lot in high school but kind of fell out of the habit. This will be a fun way for me to share my drawings and help me meet my goal. The transcriptions are for my trumpet playing. They will help me better understand the musical language that I am studying.